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Pinwheel Galaxy Supernova
Written by Richie Jarvis   
Sunday, 11 September 2011 22:16

The recent Type 1a Supernova discovered by the Palomar Transit Factory, and labelled as PTF11kly.  It was discovered on 24th August, and anyone with images showing this supernova earlier should contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

The skies have not been kinda for me to image this Supernova, however, I did manage to get some red frames for photometry purposes on the 6th September 2011.  I measured the magnitude of the supernova as 9.9 from this image using the wonderful Astrometrica software from Herbert Raab.

I hope to be able to image this galaxy over the next few weeks, and discover whether it continues to brighten, or starts to diminish.

If you wish to find and view this supernova for yourself, my friends over at the Society for Popular Astronomy have produced this wonderful guide.


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