Sunday, 02 July 2023

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Testing a Vixen VC200L
Friday, 21 May 2010 20:47

I've been testing a Vixen VC200L recently for a review.  Vixen Opticron have been very supportive, and have helped me immensely by providing just the right kit to hookup my SXV-H9 to the Vixen.

I am also using a focal reducer, which reduces the scope from its native F/9 to F/6.3.  With this setup, the scope is performing very well, and giving well resolved and crisp images.

I did have a bit of a problem initially with Polar Misalignment, which caused star trailing over long sub-exposures.  Anything over 5 minutes was giving nasty trailing, which made things rather challenging!  I've now solved the problem by drift aligning the mount with WCS, and am able to run 20 minute subs.  I think the drift alignment could definitely be improved, but that will have to wait until after I've done the Observatory roof!

Here is a recent shot taken at the beginning of the month over 3 nights of Messier 51 the Whirlpool Galaxy.  You can see the full sized version, with the image capture details here


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