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Astronomy in the Pub 2013
Written by Richie Jarvis   
Monday, 30 December 2013 00:00

Saturday 6th February from 18:00

Come join us in one of the darkest village Pubs in the South East for a evening of Astronomical Discovery

Not only will we have many telescopes setup in the back garden for you and your family to view the night sky, but also will have Amateur Astronomers on hand to answer all your questions, and introduce you to the natural wonders of the night sky.


What You Can See

(if its not cloudy!)

International Space Station pass overhead

Messier 45 - The Pleiades

Messier 42 - The Great Orion Nebula



More Info

Contact: Richie Jarvis
Telephone: 07702 705427
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Horns Lodge
Telephone: 01273 400422

A275, South Chailey, BN8 4BD

Posters available here:

Please feel free to download and place around!



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